How Do I Add a User In Balance?

Step by step instructions for adding a new user in Balance are found below.

  1. Go to Administration in the left hand column.
  2. Click on Manage Users.
  3. Click on the Create New User button (top right corner of the page).

  4. Fill out Username, Email address, First name, Last name, and create a password.
  5. Select User Type from the options listed below:

    Client Administrator: Can add/edit information in Balance, run reports and set up and modify user information.
    Client User: Can add/edit information in Balance and run reports.
    Report Only: Can only run reports in Fundriver.  They do not have view or edit access for any other tabs.
    Read Only Access: Can view tabs and run reports in Balance but cannot make any edits to information.
  6. Click Create user.

  7. An automatic email will be sent to the new user upon creation. This will notify them that a user profile has been set up for them. You will need to provide them the temporary password that you created and the login address.
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