Department Module - Department User Guide

Welcome Department User!  This guide will help you navigate through your Department Module site.  Should you have any questions, please contact your organization’s Balance Administrator.


When you first select your user website to access the Department Module, you will come to a log-in screen.  Single Sign On Department Users will bypass this screen.


Your Organization’s Balance Administrator will be listed at the bottom of this screen along with their contact information.


Enter your user name and password to log in.  



When you first enter the Department Module, you will land on your Home screen.  Your organization may update this content periodically.  The menu bar is located on the left side of the screen.  



To view the funds you have access to, select the Funds menu on the left.  If you are searching for a fund and can’t view it, please contact your Balance Administrator.



You can drill into any fund to get more detail on that fund.  From this screen you can either “Print Summary” to generate a printable report or you can Return to Funds List to go back to the previous screen.



To run reports for your funds to get additional details, select the Reports menu on the left. Reports might be categorized based on type of report into subfolders.  Select the subfolder that contains the report you would like to view.



Select the report you would like to see, select the date or date range you would like, and select the Run Report button.  You can also group by certain fields determined by your Balance Administrator.


(Note:  If there’s an additional report you would like to see, contact your Balance Administrator to see if this report is an option for you.)



The report will generate in a separate window.  The top menu bar on this report gives you the option to scroll through multiple pages (if the report is large), search for key words, print or export to PDF, Excel, or Word.  



If you need to update your password for any reason, select the Change Password menu on the left and update.  This does not apply to Single Sign On Department Users.



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