Net Asset Classification Codes

Please find a breakdown of the Fund Type Codes (Net Asset Classification Codes) below.

Most Common Codes

Code Description Restriction of Income vs. Gains
AP Both corpus and earnings are permanently restricted 1: Income, realized, and unrealized gains all have the same restriction
G Corpus is permanently restricted; all else is unrestricted 1: Income, realized, and unrealized gains all have the same restriction
P Corpus is permanently restricted; net gains are temp restricted; net losses (underwater amounts) are reclassed to unrestricted for FAS 117-1 reports 1: Income, realized, and unrealized gains all have the same restriction
T Both corpus and earnings are temporarily restricted 1: Income, realized, and unrealized gains all have the same restriction
U Both corpus and earnings are unrestricted 1: Income, realized, and unrealized gains all have the same restriction


Code AP G P T U
Principal Perm. Restricted Perm. Restricted Perm. Restricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted
Transfers Perm. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted
Income Perm. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted
Realized Perm. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted
Unrealized Perm. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted
Distributions Perm. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted
Overwater-Net Gains Perm. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted
Underwater-Net Losses Perm. Restricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted

Less Common Codes

Code Description Restriction of Income vs. Gains
P2 Corpus is permanently restricted; gains and losses are temp restricted 1: Income, realized, and unrealized gains all have the same restriction
PT Corpus, realized gains, and unrealized gains are permanently restricted; income, distributions, and transfers are temporarily restricted 2: Income has a different restriction than realized and unrealized gains
PU Corpus, realized gains, and unrealized gains are permanently restricted; income, distributions, and transfers are unrestricted 2: Income has a different restriction than realized and unrealized gains
TR Both corpus and earnings are temporarily restricted, except net losses (underwater) is unrestricted 1: Income, realized, and unrealized gains all have the same restriction
TU Corpus is temporarily restricted; all else is unrestricted 1: Income, realized, and unrealized gains all have the same restriction
UT Corpus is unrestricted; all else is temporarily restricted 1: Income, realized, and unrealized gains all have the same restriction


Principal Perm. Restricted Perm. Restricted Perm. Restricted Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted
Transfers Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted
Income Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted
Realized Temp. Restricted Perm. Restricted Perm. Restricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted
Unrealized Temp. Restricted Perm. Restricted Perm. Restricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted
Distributions Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted
Overwater-Net Gains Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted
Underwater-Net Losses Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Unrestricted Temp. Restricted

No Earnings Fund Codes (Due to/Due From) 

Code Description Restriction of Income vs. Gains
DT Not included in endowment footnote and no earnings N/A
DTU Both corpus and earnings are unrestricted and no earnings/units 1: Income, realized, and unrealized gains all have the same restriction
DTT Both corpus and earnings are temporarily restricted and no earnings/units 1: Income, realized, and unrealized gains all have the same restriction
DTP Corpus is permanently restricted; net gains are temp restricted; net losses (underwater amounts) are reclassed to unrestricted for FAS 117-1 reports and no earnings/units 1: Income, realized, and unrealized gains all have the same restriction


Principal N/A* Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Perm. Restricted
Transfers N/A* Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted
Income N/A* Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted
Realized N/A* Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted
Unrealized N/A* Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted
Distributions N/A* Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted
Overwater-Net Gains N/A* Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Temp. Restricted
Underwater-Net Losses N/A* Unrestricted Temp. Restricted Unrestricted

 *Excluded from footnote; principal as well as accumulated earnings are all excluded. 

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